本示例以 Vue Element Admin 技俩为基础hongkongdoll 露脸,先容 Element Select 和 Tree 控件组合使用
俺去也 1、/src/components/TreeSelect/index.vue<template> <el-select :value="valueTitle" :clearable="clearable" @clear="clearHandle"> <el-input class="selectInput" :placeholder="placeholder" v-model="filterText"> </el-input> <el-option :value="valueTitle" :label="valueTitle" class="options"> <el-tree id="tree-option" ref="selectTree" :accordion="accordion" :data="options" :props="props" :node-key="props.value" :default-expanded-keys="defaultExpandedKey" :filter-node-method="filterNode" @node-click="handleNodeClick"> </el-tree> </el-option> </el-select></template><script>export default { name: "el-tree-select", props:{ /* 树立项 */ props:{ type: Object, default:()=>{ return { value:'id', // ID字段名 label: 'title', // 走漏称号 children: 'children' // 子级字段名 } } }, /* 选项列表数据(树形结构的对象数组) */ options:{ type: Array, default: ()=>{ return [] } }, /* 运转值 */ value:{ type: Number, default: ()=>{ return null } }, /* 可清空选项 */ clearable:{ type:Boolean, default:()=>{ return true } }, /* 自动收起 */ accordion:{ type:Boolean, default:()=>{ return false } }, placeholder:{ type:String, default:()=>{return "检索要津字"} } }, data() { return { filterText: '', valueId:this.value, // 运转值 valueTitle:'', defaultExpandedKey:[] } }, mounted(){ this.initHandle() }, methods: { // 运升沉值 initHandle(){ if(this.valueId){ this.valueTitle = this.$refs.selectTree.getNode(this.valueId).data[this.props.label] // 运升沉走漏 this.$refs.selectTree.setCurrentKey(this.valueId) // 建造默许选中 this.defaultExpandedKey = [this.valueId] // 建造默许伸开 } this.initScroll() }, // 运升沉滚动条 initScroll(){ this.$nextTick(()=>{ let scrollWrap = document.querySelectorAll('.el-scrollbar .el-select-dropdown__wrap')[0] let scrollBar = document.querySelectorAll('.el-scrollbar .el-scrollbar__bar') scrollWrap.style.cssText = 'margin: 0px; max-height: none; overflow: hidden;' scrollBar.forEach(ele => ele.style.width = 0) }) }, // 切换选项 handleNodeClick(node){ this.valueTitle = node[this.props.label] this.valueId = node[this.props.value] this.$emit('getValue',this.valueId) this.defaultExpandedKey = [] }, // 断根选中 clearHandle(){ this.valueTitle = '' this.valueId = null this.defaultExpandedKey = [] this.clearSelected() this.$emit('getValue',null) }, /* 清空选中神志 */ clearSelected(){ let allNode = document.querySelectorAll('#tree-option .el-tree-node') allNode.forEach((element)=>element.classList.remove('is-current')) }, filterNode(value, data) { if (!value) return true; return data.name.indexOf(value) !== -1; } }, watch: { value(){ this.valueId = this.value this.initHandle() }, filterText(val) { this.$refs.selectTree.filter(val); } },};</script><!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --><style scoped> .el-scrollbar .el-scrollbar__view .el-select-dropdown__item{ height: auto; max-height: 274px; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; overflow-y: auto; } .el-select-dropdown__item.selected{ font-weight: normal; } ul li >>>.el-tree .el-tree-node__content{ height:auto; padding: 0 20px; } .el-tree-node__label{ font-weight: normal; } .el-tree >>>.is-current .el-tree-node__label{ color: #409EFF; font-weight: 700; } .el-tree >>>.is-current .el-tree-node__children .el-tree-node__label{ color:#606266; font-weight: normal; } .selectInput{ padding: 0 5px; box-sizing: border-box; } /* 设备禁用 */ /* .el-tree-node:focus>.el-tree-node__content{ background-color:transparent; background-color: #f5f7fa; color: #c0c4cc; cursor: not-allowed; } .el-tree-node__content:hover{ background-color: #f5f7fa; } */</style>图片
<template> <div id="app123"> <h1>{{`基于Element-UI组件修订的树形收受器`}}:</h1> <!-- 调用树形下拉框组件 --> <SelectTree :props="props" :options="optionData" :value="valueId" :clearable="isClearable" :accordion="isAccordion" @getValue="getValue($event)" /> ID为:{{valueId}} </div></template><script>import SelectTree from "@/components/TreeSelect";import treeJson from '@/api/tree.json';export default { name: "app", components: { SelectTree }, data() { return { isClearable: true, // 可清空(可选) isAccordion: true, // 可收起(可选) valueId: 1, // 运转ID(可选) props: { // 树立项(必选) value: "id", label: "name", children: "children" // disabled:true }, // 选项列表(必选) list: [ // { id: 1, parentId: 0, name: "一级菜单A", rank: 1 }, // { id: 2, parentId: 0, name: "一级菜单B", rank: 1 }, // { id: 3, parentId: 0, name: "一级菜单C", rank: 1 }, // { id: 4, parentId: 1, name: "二级菜单A-A", rank: 2 }, // { id: 5, parentId: 1, name: "二级菜单A-B", rank: 2 }, // { id: 6, parentId: 2, name: "二级菜单B-A", rank: 2 }, // { id: 7, parentId: 4, name: "三级菜单A-A-A", rank: 3 }, // { id: 8, parentId: 7, name: "四级菜单A-A-A-A", rank: 4 }, // { id: 9, parentId: 0, name: "一级菜单C", rank: 1 }, // { id: 10, parentId: 0, name: "一级菜单end", rank: 1 } ], }; }, created(){ this.getNodeTree(treeJson); let obj = {} this.list = this.list.reduce((item, next) => { obj[next.id] ? '' : obj[next.id] = true && item.push(next) return item }, []) }, computed: { /* 转树形数据 */ optionData() { let cloneData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.list)); // 对源数据深度克隆 return cloneData.filter(father => { // 轮回统共项,并添加children属性 let branchArr = cloneData.filter(child => father.id == child.parentId); // 复返每一项的子级数组 branchArr.length > 0 ? (father.children = branchArr) : ""; //给父级添加一个children属性,并赋值 return father.parentId == 0; //复返第一层 }); } }, methods: { // 取值 getValue(value) { this.valueId = value; console.log(this.valueId); }, getNodeTree(tree){ for(var i in tree){ if(typeof tree[i] == 'object'){ this.getNodeTree(tree[i]) }else{ this.list.push( { "id":tree["id"], "parentId":tree["parentId"], "name":tree["goodsTypeName"] } ) } } }, }};</script><style>#app123 { font-family: "Avenir", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; text-align: center; color: #2c3e50; margin-top: 60px;}</style>图片
{ "msg": "得手", "status": "1", "data": [{ "id": 1, "parentId": "0", "level": 1, "goodsTypeName": "生果类", "children": [{ "id": 2, "parentId": "1", "level": 1, "goodsTypeName": "苹果01", "children": [] }, { "id": 3, "parentId": "1", "level": null, "goodsTypeName": "橘子01", "children": [{ "id": 4, "parentId": "3", "level": 1, "goodsTypeName": "大橘子", "children": [] }] } ] }, { "id": 5, "parentId": "0", "level": 1, "goodsTypeName": "蔬菜类", "children": [] } ]}图片
3、* * * * 4、劳动端 API 接口复返 json 数据 { "data": { "items": [ { "role_code": 1,"role_name": "超等处置员" }, { "role_code": 2,"role_name": "处置员" }, { "role_code": 3,"role_name": "平淡用户" }, { "role_code": 4hongkongdoll 露脸,"role_name": "钻石" }, { "role_code": 5,"role_name": "金牌" }, { "role_code": 6,"role_name": "银牌" } ], "total": 6, "page_count": 1 }, "code": "200", "msg": null } * * * * * *